Our dentists at Willowbrook Dental Clinic understand that parents sometimes worry about the colour of their children's teeth. Many concerned parents wonder if teeth whitening is the answer to brightening their child's smile, but our Langley BC dentists advise against teeth whitening for children and young teens. Here's why...
Our dental team understands that parents want their kids to have the brightest and healthiest smiles possible. Which is why it's not unusual for parents to be concerned if their child's teeth appear yellow or discoloured. The fear that their child's teeth aren't as white as they should be can lead parents to wonder whether teeth whitening could help. Our Langley dentists strongly advise against teeth whitening for children and young teens for two good reasons.
Adult Teeth Are Naturally Darker
Inside of each tooth, just beneath the enamel there is a layer of a yellowish substance called dentin. Baby teeth naturally have less dentin in them. This is what gives your child's baby teeth a much whiter appearance than the newly erupted adult teeth. Parents should rest assured that the darker or more yellow appearance of your child's adult teeth is normal, and will be much less noticeable as soon as your child's remaining baby teeth have fallen out and been replaced by their permanent adult teeth.
Whitening Solutions May Not Be Safe for Young Smiles
Keeping your child's smile healthy is always our number one priority. While whitening solutions are considered a safe way for adults to brighten their smile, when it comes to the developing smiles of children and young teens, there just isn't enough scientific data available for us to make an informed decision about the safety of whitening solutions. That's why, at Willowbrook Dental Clinic our dentists will only recommend teeth whitening to adults looking to brighten their smile.