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Dealing with Dental Anxiety

Dealing with Dental Anxiety

Fear and anxiety about visiting the dentist are extremely common. Our Surrey dentists offer advice and tips to help you get over your dental anxiety.

It's normal for people to experience some degree of dental anxiety. Whether it's fear of needles, anxiety about invasiveness, concerns about pain, previous negative experiences, or even embarrassment over poor dental health.

Our Surrey dentists help patients deal with varying degrees and types of dental anxiety on a regular basis. Over the years, they've grown to understand the steps and techniques to help people overcome their fears.

Face Your Fears

Confront your feelings and fears, and actively consider them. You may find it helps to write them down in a list. This can help you look at them more objectively, and it will help you explain your feelings and concerns to your dentist, too.

This in turn will help your dentist better address and alleviate your fears.

Communicate Your Fears to Your Dentist

It's okay to tell us you're worried, we won't be offended! It's understandable and normal to feel anxiety during medical procedures, which includes dentistry.

Good communication is the foundation for a strong relationship between patient and dentist. Tell your dentist how you are feeling right away during your first consultation. It allows the dentist to gauge your needs.

Together, you and your dentist can agree on cues and signals that you can use during treatment if you need a break or become uncomfortable.

Try Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques can help you feel more calm leading up to, or during, a dental appointment. Try things like yoga and controlled breathing to help relax your muscles and slow your heartbeat.

Use Distractions

Using distraction techniques and tools can help you keep your mind off of what’s going on during your dental procedure. For instance, you can listen to some music, play with a stress ball, count to yourself or come up with number patterns in your head.

Ask About Dental Sedation

Our Surrey dentists offer dental sedation options for patient whose dental anxiety can’t be quelled through the above means.

Choose the Right Dentist for You

Choosing a dentist who takes a special interest in helping patients with dental anxiety can be extremely helpful. Our Surrey dentists have spent a lot of time and energy considering how best to help patients with dental anxieties, and they take an active approach to addressing a wide range of fears on an almost daily basis.

We consider it our mission to help you feel comfortable and at east with your dental treatment. Patients who feel good about their treatment will be more likely to get it in the future, which benefits their oral health!

To talk to our Surrey dentists about your dental anxieties or to discuss your sedation options, contact our office today!

New Patients Welcome

At Willowbrook Dental Clinic, we want to help you get on the path to a brighter, healthier smile today! Contact us to book your first appointment.

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